Consumer Initiated Payments

Accept cards and eChecks on web apps, mobile apps or IVR

  • Convenient Payment Methods 
    eCheck, card and Apple Pay
  • Integrate Any Platform 
    Native desktop and mobile/tablet apps, web-based apps and consumer-facing kiosks
  • Save Payment Methods (Tokenize) 
    Payment methods can be saved and managed in a digital wallet

Integration Options

Use any of the following to minimize development costs and compliance (PCI and PA-DSS) efforts:

Sample testing information is available on our Payment Interface Testing page.

Single Sign-On 

Create and build a consistent consumer experience over multiple visits using SAML or NVP authentication via Single Sign-On. Add advanced features such as digital wallet, self-service payment plans, eStatement authentication, text messaging enrollment and the ability to view balances.

Review the wizard below for interface display options, code examples and implementation details.

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InstaMed Secure Token

Reduce the PCI scope for consumer-facing applications by allowing InstaMed to tokenize the payment instrument. Applications can maintain their preexisting web services payment interfaces and control the rest of the user experience. This approach is best used with REST, NVP or SOAP technologies.


Recommended for new integrations where the user experience is heavily controlled by the software application. Consider pairing with the InstaMed Secure Token to manage PCI scope in an ECOM environment.

Explore our REST documentation.  If you need a Sandbox API Key, apply for one here.


Recommended for integration across all platforms, HTTP POST Name Value Pair (NVP) is a simple to use format.

Sample Request

POST /payment/NVP.aspx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: NNN

cardPresentStatus=NotPresentInternet&transactionType=CreditCard&transactionAction=AuthCapt&MerchantID=123123123&StoreID=123&TerminalID=123&cardNumber=4111111111111111&cardHolderName=Aaron Smith&cardExpDate=12-19&amount=5.00&cardVerificationNumber=123&billingAddress1=123 Main  Apt 23&billingCity=Madison&billingState=WI&billingZip=53703&

Sample Response

IsEMVVerifiedByPIN=false&cardBrand=VISA&cardExpirationMonth=12&cardExpirationYear=2019&cardBINNumber=411111&cardHolderName=AARON SMITH&paymentCardType=CREDIT&lastFourDigits=1111&authorizationNumber=9A5C83&responseCode=000&responseMessage=APPROVAL&transactionStatus=C&authorizationText=I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE AMOUNT ACCORDING TO MY CARD HOLDER AGREEMENT.&transactionID=E8936AED682E4EC38FCBD2BE52CA82F6&transactionDate=2016-04-06T19:21:33.1493632Z


Recommended when the required 2048 bit TLS security is available, SOAP Web Services (versions 1.1 or 1.2) can be used to transport data.



In App Apple Pay SDK

Recommended integration protocol when embedding within iOS native apps.

Learn more

InstaMed Consumer Portal

This standalone portal can be easily leveraged for consumer interactions where there is no current consumer-facing application.

Embed Consumer One-Time Payment

Users can make a one-time payment and have the necessary metadata passed into the application. A balance can be displayed after the transaction if the optional one-time authentication is enabled.

Review the wizard below for interface display options, code examples and implementation details.

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