EOD Posting File 1.3

The 1.3 version of EOD Posting File includes all the fields in EOD Posting File Version 1.2 plus additional fields for the guarantor: Guarantor ID, Guarantor First Name, Guarantor last name.

Record ID: IMDPA13

File Format: Pipe-Delimited

#Field NameFormatRequired?MinMaxComment
1Record ID"IMDPA13"Y77
2Merchant IDANY150The unique ID associated with your merchant processing account, which will be given by your Implementations Manager.
3Store IDANY150Default value is 1.
4Terminal IDANY150May differ by location (at no extra cost to the provider) to enhance security and reporting.
5Payment Transaction TypeANY135Supported values are: "CreditCard," "eCheck," "DebitCard" and "Cash."
6Payment Transaction ActionANY135Supported values are: "AuthCapt", "Credit", and "Return"
7AmountDECOAlways positive decimal value. Payment Transaction Action = "Credit" should cause this field to be interpreted as a refund.
8Card TypeANO125This field is returned when the transaction type is CreditCard. Values include: "VISA," "MC," "AMEX," "DISCOVER" and "OTHER."
9Transaction IDANY150This is a unique ID assigned by InstaMed, e.g., "3c4fabfad61e47e4aa10b52529476529."
10Authorization NumberANS150
11Transaction DateDTY1414Date/time in CCYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
12Transaction Status CodeANY110Supported values are: A, C, CB, D, RI, S, SE, V

See Transaction Status Codes.
13Patient LastNameANO150
14Patient FirstNameANO150
15Patient MiddleNameANO150
16Patient Account NumberANO150
17Patient Address 1ANO1150
18Patient Address 2ANO1150
19Patient CityANO150
20Patient StateANO130
21Patient ZipCodeANO115
22AdditionalInfo1ANO1100User-defined fields captured with the payment transaction.
23AdditionalInfo2ANO1100See AdditionalInfo1 comments.
24AdditionalInfo3ANO1100See AdditionalInfo1 comments.
25AdditionalInfo4ANO1100See AdditionalInfo1 comments.
26AdditionalInfo5ANO1100See AdditionalInfo1 comments.
27AdditionalInfo6ANO1100See AdditionalInfo1 comments.
28UserANO1100May also include punctuation (e.g., "@" or ".").
29Transaction CodeANO150Note: Transaction codes are passed in the EOD Posting file rather than descriptions. Consult your Implementations Manager to configure Transaction Codes on your account.
30Market SegmentANO115See Market Segment Codes.
31Is SwipedANS11Supported values are: "Y" or "N" indicating whether the card was swiped or not.
34Patient Medical Record NumberANO150
35Patient DOBDTO1414
36Patient CountryANO150
37Patient Phone NumberANO113
38Account/Card Holder Address 1ANO1150
39Account/Card Holder Address 2ANO1150
40Account/Card Holder CityANO150
41Account/Card Holder StateANO22
42Account/Card Holder ZipCodeANO515
43Account/Card Holder CountryANO150
44Account/Card Holder Phone NumberANO113
45Account/Card Holder Email AddressANO150
46Estimated AmountDECO
47Reason CodeANO150
48Check NumberANO150
49Check AccountTypeANO150Possible values are: checking, saving and business.
50Taken At Merchant IDANO150
51Taken At Store IDANO150
52Taken At Terminal IDANO150
53AdditionalCode 1ANO1100
54AdditionalCode 2ANO1100
55AdditionalCode 3ANO1100
56AdditionalCode 4ANO1100
57AdditionalCode 5ANO1100
58AdditionalCode 6ANO1100
59Last Four DigitsNumO416When a 16 character value is returned all but the last four characters will be "*".
60Account NumberNumO
61Original Payment Transaction IDANO150
62Not UsedANO00
63Outlet DescriptionANO
64Effective AmountDECA negative value here will indicate a refund.
65Payment SourceAN
66Guarantor IDANO180
67Guarantor First NameANO135
68Guarantor Last nameANO160

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