Reduce PCI Scope by using point to point encryption (P2PE) devices
P2PE Devices
Use supported encrypted devices with our Recommended PCI Compliant Options and following our white paper for PCI scope reduction.
Supported & Actively Sold Devices
- Ingenico Lane 3000
- Ingenico Lane 5000
- Ingenico Lane 7000
- Ingenico Link 2500
- MagTek Dynamag USB
- MagTek DynaPAD
- MagTek ImageSafe
- MagTek iDynamo
Supported Devices (Only sold to customers with existing device supply)
- Ingenico iPP 320
- Ingenico iPP 350
- Ingenico iSC Touch 250
Legacy Support Only (Not tested for updates, but troubleshooting still supported)
- MagTek DynaPro
- MagTek IPAD
- MagTek cDynamo
- MagTek uDynamo
P2PE 3.0 Validated Devices
InstaMed is the only healthcare payment platform that supports P2PE validated devices.
Using P2PE devices offer substantial savings through industry-standard PCI scope reduction. P2PE requires inventory management.
Supported & Actively Sold Devices
- Ingenico Lane 3000
- Ingenico Lane 5000
- Ingenico Lane 7000
- Ingenico Link 2500
Supported Devices (Only sold to customers with existing device supply)
- Ingenico iPP 320
- Ingenico iPP 350
- Ingenico iSC Touch 250
Legacy Support Only (Not tested for updates, but troubleshooting still supported)
- MagTek DynaPro
Requirements for SAQ P2PE-HW
Use SAQ P2PE-HW for PCI scope reduction.
- Protect stored cardholder
- Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks
- Restrict physical access to cardholder data
- Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel