Patient Portal and Premium Payments Portal: Request Data Fields

FieldGET POSTSSO Assertion AttributesSSO relayState ParametersRelayState EncryptionSSO NVPFormatRequired?MinMaxCommentsUsage
id ANY1100InstaMed Payment ID (Alias) assigned during implementation.ALL
accountHolderEmailAddress ANN1200Consult your Implementations Manager for specific requirements that may apply.ALL
userIDANY1200Consumer user ID. Unique field that identify the consumerALL
accountNumber ANN1100The account number (with dashes “–’’) for the account from which a check is drawn.ALL
routingNumber ANN99The routing number for the bank from which a check is drawn.ALL
checkNumber ANN150The number of the check.ALL
checkState ANN22Account holder's address state.ALL
accountType ANN18The type of account from which a check is drawn. "Checking," "Savings."ALL
additionalInfo2 ANN1100User-defined fields to be captured with the payment transaction.ALL
additionalInfo3 ANN1100See AdditionalInfo2 comments.ALL
additionalInfo4 ANN1100See AdditionalInfo2 comments.ALL
additionalInfo5 ANN1100See AdditionalInfo2 comments.ALL
additionalInfo6 ANN1100See AdditionalInfo2 comments.ALL
amount DECN110The amount of money being authorized or charged to a credit or debit card, or the amount for which a check is written. Must be greater than 0.ALL
billingAddress1 ANN155The primary street address associated with the accountholder or guarantor.ALL
billingAddress2 ANN155The street address second line associated with the accountholder or guarantor.ALL
billingCity ANN130The city associated with the accountholder or guarantor.ALL
billingState ANN12The state associated with the accountholder or guarantor.ALL
billingZip ANN57The postal code associated with the accountholder or guarantor.ALL
billingCountry ANN150See Country Codes.ALL
billingAreaCode ANN13Area code for the account holder (i.e., billing) phone number.ALL
billingPhoneNumber ANN18Account holder (i.e., billing) phone number.ALL
cardNumber ANN116Credit card number with no spaces or hyphens. Users may also key or swipe this information on the Patient Payments or Payment Plans page.ALL
cardExpDate DTN44This is the credit card’s expiration date, and it must be a valid date. Should be one of the following: MM-YY or MM/YY.ALL
cardHolderName ANN1121Conditionally applicable based on outlet configuration. Consult your Implementations Manager for whether these fields are supported for your implementation.ALL
cardType ANN110Supported values: "VISA,” "MASTERCARD," "AMEX,” "DISCOVER."ALL
checkHolderFirstName ANN150Conditionally applicable based on outlet configuration. Consult your Implementations Manager for whether these fields are supported for your implementation.ALL
checkHolderLastName ANN150Conditionally applicable based on outlet configuration. Consult your Implementations Manager for whether these fields are supported for your implementation.ALL
invoiceNumber ANN150User-defined field to be captured with the payment transaction. Also referred to as AdditionalInfo1.ALL
patientAddress1ANN155Street address line 1 for the patient, which may be different than the guarantor address.ALL
patientAddress2 ANN155Street address line 2 for the patient, which may be different than the guarantor address.ALL
patientCity ANN130City for the patient, which may be different than the guarantor address.ALL
PatientState ANN22State for the patient, which may be different than the guarantor address.ALL
patientZip1 ANN55Postal code for the patient, which may be different than the guarantor address.ALL
patientCountry ANN150See Country Codes.ALL
patientEmailAddress ANN1200ALL
patientFirstName ANN125ALL
patientBirthDate DTN88ALL
patientID ANN150A unique identifier for the patient, which is typically sourced from the Patient Accounting System.ALL
patientLastName ANN135ALL
patientMedicalRecordNumber ANN1100ALL
patientMiddleName ANN125ALL
patientAreaCode ANN13ALL
patientPhoneNumber ANN18ALL
patientServiceBeginDate DTN1010ALL
patientServiceEndDate DTN1010ALL
transactionCode ANN150Note : Please submit the Transaction Code rather than description. Consult your Implementations Manager to configure Transaction Codes on your account.ALL
consumerChargeLimitDECN110This is the default value for charge limit, consumer will be able to change it in UI.ALL
consumerEnrollinAutomaticPaymentBN22Indicate to check the Enroll in Automatic paymentALL
saveCardOnFileBN22Indicate to check save payment method on fileALL

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