IDF Acknowledgement Error Codes

CodeDescriptionError Message
0Bad File
1Required data element missingREQ_MISSING fieldName "is missing"
2Conditional required data missing (due to some dependency)"Missing field '" fieldName "' at position " fieldPostion
3Data too short"Value is too short (>=" + min + ")"
4Data too long"Value is too long (<=" + max + ")"
5Invalid character in data"Routing Number must be 9 digits"
6Invalid code value
7Invalid Date"Value not of type Date (CCYYMMDD)."

"The date is logically invalid. Parsed value: " + fieldValue

"Value not of type Date (CCYYMMDD)."

"Value not of type Date (CCYYMMDD)."

"The date is logically invalid. Parsed value: " + fieldValue

"Value not of type Date (CCYYMMDD or MMDDYY)."
8Invalid Time
9Invalid Data type"Expected value to be phone (5557779999)."

"Expected Email Address ("

"Password does not meet requirements"

"Invalid Routing Number"

fieldName + "must contain only alphabetical or numerical characters ('_', '-', and ';' are allowed)."

"Invalid characters: " + (invalid characters)

"Expected Integer"

"Expected Decimal"

fieldName "expected an alpha numeric value. Encountered white space."
10Not expected length"Value not of expected length(" + min + ")"